Kindle Ebooks

Spring Ahead with Kindle Best Books for Spring!

Hello reading friends!  It’s been ages since we shared a literary cup of tea, hasn’t it?  I’ve missed all of you!  It’s been quite a winter–unless you live in central Indiana.  Here it’s been a colossal disappointment, to be honest.  We have had less than six inches of snow all winter, which means that it’s been cold for no good reason!

spring kindle books for reading

I’ve tried to use my time to keep up with the latest releases and good books, and now that the weather is warming up I feel like it’s time to find some of the Kindle Best Books for Spring!  Here are just a few of my favorites…

Notes from a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World

Tsh Oxenrider knows that we live in a loud, chaotic world, and that sometimes just making little changes can help us realign our values and passions.  Follow Tsh and her husband as they travel the world with their children, seeking simplicity and grace and all things creative, and find themselves somewhere along the journey.


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2019-01-03T20:34:38+00:00 By |Kindle Ebooks|0 Comments

Best Kindle Books for December – Holiday Deals Just in Time for Christmas!

It’s December, and even though we haven’t seen much snow, we are still looking forward to curling up by the fire with a good kindle book and a mug of hot chocolate.  Amazon has just announced their Holiday deals and we’ve taken the time to find some of our favorites, just for you.

The Christmas Pearl

Nothing says “cozy” like a feel-good Christmas novel and we’ve got just the one.  Theodora has had just about enough of her spoiled, whining family.  She longs for the days of Christmas past…home cooked delights, lavish decorations and long chats with her grandmothers housekeeper, Pearl.  When her own maid is called away, Pearl blows back in as a ghost and begins to set Theodora’s world in order once again.


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2018-12-25T17:04:10+00:00 By |Kindle Ebooks|0 Comments

Kindle Deals for November (2017): Great Reads at Great Prices! Thanksgiving!

It’s November, and you know what that means. Turkey, football .. It’s time for Kindle Deals from Amazon. We’ve sent our best scouts in and they’ve come back with the latest and greatest reads from Amazon, just in time for Thanksgiving. Need something to do instead of listening to Aunt Millie rehash her gallstone operation? Look no further!

The Misremembered Man

This debut novel from author Christina McKenna finds us in 1974 County Derry Ireland. When farmer Jamie McCloone and schoolteacher Lydia Devine meet through the local Lonely Hearts Club, the whole community dives in to make their romance a success. The ensuing hilarity is poignant and laugh-out-loud funny…and will certainly leave you wanting more!


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2017-11-09T02:52:16+00:00 By |Kindle Ebooks|0 Comments

Mayday, mayday! Kindle Best Books for May

Summer is here!  At least the temperatures anyway.  And there’s nothing better than spending a lazy afternoon under a shady tree with a tall glass of iced tea and a good book on your Kindle.  We’ve been keeping an eye on Amazon, and we’ve discovered some of the Best Kindle Books for May.

Take some time to browse our selection and then head on over to Amazon and see for yourself what they’ve got for this month.  For now, here’s our picks!

Crow Hollow


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2017-05-28T00:18:42+00:00 By |Kindle Ebooks|0 Comments

Kindle Holiday Deals: Best Books for December 2016

It’s December!  Here in Indiana, we are anxiously awaiting our first snowfall (OK–at least I am) and spending cozy afternoons curled up under a blanket with a good book and a cup of coffee is pretty much my default activity right now.  I love December–the days are short, the air is crisp and as the year draws to a close it’s a time of reflection and anticipation for the new year. 

No matter which holiday you choose to celebrate, December is a time for family and friends, for peace and goodwill toward your fellow man.

It’s also time for Kindle Holiday Deals…wonderful books to while away the hours and lose yourself in when the snow is up to your eyeballs.  Here are just a few of our favorites.


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2016-12-10T21:28:17+00:00 By |Kindle Ebooks|0 Comments