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Spice Up Your Kindle Experience with the Best Free eBook Variety

Sticking with one specific type of reading material can be quite comforting and safe, indeed, but there are instances when at least one ebook-worm gets fed up with the monotonous habit and wants to explore other horizons or, like they say, greener pastures. Well, that adventurous spirit of sorts is in for a treat courtesy of your Kindle Daily Deal, which features only the best free ebooks that will suit your particular tastes. Yes, you ‘herd’, er read, it right: free and tastes! It’s about time you went out of your comfort zone and had a bite or two of other literary categories in Kindle-land for free! Lose all your inhibitions and stray into uncharted territories with 10 of Kindle’s free chart-toppers:

Best Free eBook Variety

* Warning! The Kindle Deal Price changes regularly. Check the final price before clicking “Buy Now” *

1. Deathwatch (Broslin Creek1) by Dana Marton

Kate Bridges and Murphy Dolan are two strangers who has no trust left to give but would have to work things out. Murphy a war shocked Army reserve finds Kate in his home who is in hiding for being the only individual who could pinpoint an infamous hit man.


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2014-04-11T09:40:29+00:00 By |Kindle Ebooks|0 Comments